Guidelines Workshops

All workshop proposals need to comply with the below guidelines.

About the Workshop Sessions

As a new addition to EIBA conferences, we invite proposals for workshops to be conducted at day 3 of the conference. Workshops focus on a specific field or topic associated with IB research, teaching, or administration, and should help participants to develop in the respective field. Examples could be “Teaching Online”, “State of the Art in Research Area XY”, research methods workshops, workshops focusing on media management, or any other topic of interest to a relevant segment of the EIBA audience. The specific set-up (time, length, session structure, degree of audience involvement, number of active participants, need for pre-registration, …) depends on the specific focus of the workshop and organizer preferences. Not all parts of a workshop have to be recorded, but we would appreciate to have some recordings to make the workshop available for people not actively participating in the workshop too.


The submission deadline for Workshop proposals is October 19, 2020.

Submissions need to conform to the following guidelines:

  • Maximum length of workshop proposals is of 1,000 words.

  • The workshop proposal should contain a brief motivation of the workshop, an intended outline (including format, length, etc.) of the workshop, and a list of organizers and faculty members facilitating the event.

  • All proposals should be prepared in Adobe pdf

Please submit your workshop proposal to eiba[at]